Pierlite Human Centric Lighting-Lighting beyond illumination – Benefits of Human Centric Lighting Improved Health and Sleep Productivity and Enhanced Performance Visual Acuity Want to know more, download the Pierlite Human Centric Lighting Brochure. For more information contact info@integratedoutcomes.com.au
How To Ensure A Successful Lighting Upgrade In 5 Steps-Upgrading lighting is one of the most effective methods that businesses have to help them minimise their energy bills and improve their environment for employees and visitors.
Taking the plunge to actually change lighting systems however can be an intimidating prospect for business owners, and there are a few things to understand before you begin taking steps towards a brighter and better business. Read more
How to make childcare centres more sustainable-Teachers and educators have a significant part to play in taking care of our planet – both in reducing waste and energy consumption, and educating children about how to live sustainably. Increasing children’s understanding about their responsibility to care for the environment can be simple enough, however actually improving environmental outcomes and energy consumption of each facility can seem like a huge challenge to childcare centre operators. Read More
Fluorocycle: Reducing Lamp Waste + Mercury Emissions In Australia-In Australia, it’s estimated that 90 per cent of lamps that contain mercury end up in landfill each year. Lamps are the largest single category of consumer products that contain mercury, and their disposal in landfills contributes to Australia’s total annual emissions of mercury. The accumulation of mercury in rubbish dumps across Australia also creates […]
Protect Your Business Against Escalating Electricity Prices With A Lighting Upgrade-Energy has become a major and unpredictable operating expense, and many Australian businesses are being crippled by the exponential increase in electricity and gas prices.
This inflation will continue to be a burden to industry, and unless you are able to generate your own power, reducing your energy consumption is the best place to start when trying to combat these hefty price increases. Read More
3 Reasons Why Your Warehouse Needs A Lighting Upgrade-There are a huge number of things to consider when creating and implementing a lighting solution for any space, however warehouse lighting comes with its own set of challenges.
Efficient new lighting technology has changed the way high bay lighting is implemented in industrial spaces in recent years. If you aren’t sure whether to upgrade your warehouse lighting, Read More
The Impact An Office Lighting Upgrade Can Have On Staff Wellness-Integrated specialises in implementing lighting upgrades in industries where we all live, shop, heal, play and work.
The office upgrades we carry out often improve efficiency and reduce operating costs, but more importantly also improve the overall wellbeing of staff working in that space.
So what specific benefits can staff expect following a lighting upgrade? Read More
How Great Lighting Can Improve your Health-We’ve all heard about the power of good lighting when it comes to looking your best – but did you know being in the presence of ‘the right light’ can have a real effect on how you feel? Read More
How Improved Lighting In Schools Can Help Your Children-At Integrated, we make it our business to implement the best lighting upgrades using the newest technologies across the places where we all live, heal, shop, work and play.
It’s common knowledge that a good lighting solution is important for adults in their workplaces, but did you know that lighting has a clear effect on children in their schools as well? Read More